Library Board of Trustees


Public library boards have five primary roles:

  1. Advocate for the library in the community and advocate for the community as a member ot the library board.
  2. Plan for the future of the library.
  3. Monitor and evaluate the overall effectiveness of the library.
  4. Set library policies.
  5. Hire and evaluate the library director.


The Library Board of Trustees meets on the 2nd Thursday of the Month at 5:30 P.M. at the Oelwein Library, 201 E Charles St, Oelwein, IA 50662.


Please visit the Oelwein Public Library Board webpage for more information.

Board Trustees
Blake Kerns President
Callie Berryman Vice-President
Brett Ingersoll Secretary
Cortney Van DenHul Trustee
Anita Mars Trustee
Susan Macken Library Director
Karen Seeders Council Liason